Thankful for the opportunity to serve the youth at CEPC. They are some awesome peeps. I gave a talk Wednesday about Eph 4:17-32. I think it was very different than the way Becky teaches, and I know they liked a little change in that respect (you are awesome Becky), but I'm not sure it was at the appropriate level for them. Very much a theology-bomb, in that it requires them to make connections on their own from one idea to another without explicit directions. It really got into me though, which I love. I left feeling convicted that I am far too little convinced of what the Holy Spirit empowers me to do. Confidence, boldness. I still struggle. I know, I know, Phil 4:13. In my head, it works. But I can't get enough of it worked out into my life. And I'm praying for that part. That I would need the strength, but also have the conviction, desire and a will like his to work. it. out. into my actions, into my thoughts. Into every aspect of the way I relate to others.
Also thankful for working at BP. I know I can do the job, but I'm not sure I have the desire to do it forever. So much more satisfaction in relating to the church, in teaching and serving. Definite prayerful consideration on that as well.